Landscape Services


The Teal Lake Village Association (TLVA) Board of Directors is responsible for maintaining the landscaping of the TLVA Common areas and the lawn maintenance of each TLVA lot. The TLVA BOD is responsible for the vetting, negotiating, hiring, managing and terminating as needed, the Contract of the Landscaping Services Company. The current Contract is available on the TLVA restricted website,


Homeowners’ dues pay for the landscape contractor to provide maintenance of common areas, individual homeowners’ lawn mowing, edging, fertilizing, removal of yard waste, chemical weed control and some trimming of small shrubs and small trees. No hand weeding of flower and shrub beds is provided. Per TLVA CC&Rs, each Owner shall be responsible for maintaining in good condition and repair their residence, both exterior and interior, including, but not limited to, exterior paint, siding, roof and glass, together with any courtyard area, gardens or patios.


In addition to the above services, the Landscape Services Company will turn on the irrigation systems, conduct Back-flow testing and certification in the Spring, and blow the systems out with pressured air to winterize and turn the systems off in the Fall. In the Spring, the landscaping services company will inspect for repairs needed in the systems, notify individual homeowners and provide a quote for repairs. Homeowners are responsible for the cost of repairs for their system and may make the repairs themselves or choose a different contractor for the repairs.


Homeowners have the right to Opt-Out by choosing one, two or three of the following services: 1) mowing and edging 2) chemical and fertilizing and 3) Trimming of small shrubs and trees. Homeowners who choose to Opt-Out, must continue to maintain their property per the CC&Rs. Opting Out of any of the services does NOT reduce Homeowner’s dues.

The Opt-Out form is available to Print from this Print Form or on the TLVA website Opt-Out Contact Form.


The contract does NOT provide for tree or vegetation trimming for view maintenance. Trimming of trees or other vegetation in Limited Common Areas requires a TLVA Limited Common Area Modification permit. The permit form is available on the website under ARC Documents


Special landscape requests, problems or concerns must be submitted in writing using the Complaint/Comment form on the Teal Lake website, These will be viewed by Landscape Chair and or Landscape Committee Representative and passed on to the Landscape Services Contractor for resolution. Requests MAY NOT be made directly to the landscape crew. They have no authority and can only perform the specific duties they are given by their supervisor that are within the confines of the landscape contract. They have a schedule to meet and cannot take time away from completing 98 homes in a given time frame.


Permits must be submitted to the Village ARC representative before any work can be done. See Appendix A of the Design Standards, located on the website, for exceptions to this rule. Forms are available on the SBCA website, or


An FAQ page is being developed and will soon be available on the TLVA website.